Transformation of useable energy
Tidal flows have kinetic energy that may be transformed into useable energy, that is often utilized to power local grid. Tidal energy also allows for the production of hydrogen and the desalination of water. The advantages of system of tidal energy are numerous, and it may be used to supplement other sources of renewable energy. Tidal energy may be utilized to generate renewable electricity for the grid. Furthermore, tidal energy can aid in the production of sustainable hydrogen. Desalination of salt water may be possible using tidal energy (Leary et al. 2009)
Tidal energy has a lot of promise because of its reliability, high energy density, durability, and predictability. The energy extracted from tides, which is based on the predictable vertical motions of water that cause tidal currents, might be turned into kinetic energy and used to generate power. Tidal barrages can channelize mechanical energy, whereas tidewater turbines of river might capture tidal current energy
Barrages or tidal dams are considered as tenacious energy technologies capable of generating power on a commercial scale. Majority of tidal energy development and research is focused on tidal turbines and barriers. Tidal energy is projected to become a totally commercially sustainable source of energy in the future, hence extensive study is critical in this field (Ramos and Ringwood 2016). In order to create tidal stream energy projects, large amounts of capital finance are now available. The cost of generating power from tidal energy is substantially higher than that of traditional energy sources. Furthermore, there are concerns about the long-term environmental consequences of installation of tidal energy equipment and operation on marine life and birds. Because the technology has only been around for around half a century, the future appears brighter thanks to the designs of tidal barrages or dams (Melikoglu 2018)