
Harnessing the flow

  • The energy potential of rivers could revolutionise our energy landscape
  • With over 17m MWh of harnessable energy estimated to be contained within rivers, that could power over 5m homes
  • Eliminating the need to burn approx 24.5m MWh of natural gas in power stations and reducing CO2 emissions by up to 8m tonnes per year

SmartStream in rivers

SmartStream was originally designed for run in river applications. The world’s rivers are estimated to contain >1,700,000 MW of energy with much remaining inaccessible due to the negative ecological impact and significant cost of constructing traditional hydroelectric power stations. SmartStream can change this

Due to its unique features and ease of deployment, SmartStream could be deployed in the majority of continuously flowing rivers. The only limitation would be excessive plant growth or rivers that are subject to freezing

Global map of significant rivers

From the rivers identified, Repetitive are planning to commence discussions with stakeholders in the USA and Canada where there is a localised need and desire for renewable electricity

The following rivers have been identified as specific areas of interest

Saint Lawrence – USA & Canada

The distribution of mean hydrokinetic power P within the Saint Lawrence river. The mean hydrokinetic energy is estimated to be 16GWh, contained within a river network with a combined total length of 190,063 km, that flows within the countries of Canada and the United States

Mackenzie River – Canada The distribution of mean hydrokinetic power P within the Mackenzie River. The mean hydrokinetic energy is estimated to be 35.98 GWh, contained within a river network with a combined total length of 723,874 km, that flows within the country of Canada

Mississippi River – USA

The distribution of mean hydrokinetic power P within the Mississippi. The mean hydrokinetic energy is estimated to be 42.05 GWh, contained within a river network with a combined total length of 596,032 km, that flows within United States

Yukon River – USA and Canada

The distribution of mean hydrokinetic power P within the Yukon. The mean hydrokinetic energy is estimated to be 8.08 GWh, contained within a river network with a combined total length of 168,158 km, that flows within the countries of the United States and Canada

A typical 500kW river deployment consisting of ten 50kW turbines would generate 2,847MWh of green electricity per annum